Tuesday, May 31, 2011

DropDownCheckBoxes: Using control

In this post I'll give more details about the DropDownCheckBoxes control.
After you've referenced the assembly and registered the control within application you may add its' markup to .aspx pages (see introduction post about how to add the control to the project).

From development point of view programming the control is no way different from using standard CheckBoxList control. It has same events (in fact only one is of interest - OnSelectedIndexChanged) and members (except those relevant to new rendering and client side behavior).

Example to start with

Let's have a look at an example and comment it. Bellow is a markup snippet from .aspx file:

<asp:DropDownCheckBoxes ID="yearsDropDownCheckBoxes" runat="server"
AddJQueryReference="True" UseButtons="True" UseSelectAllNode="True">
<Style SelectBoxWidth="160" DropDownBoxBoxWidth="160" DropDownBoxBoxHeight="80" />
<Texts SelectBoxCaption="Year" />
<div style="padding-top: 20px;">
Selected items (updated whenever postback from any of the controls occurs)
<asp:Panel ID="selectedItemsPanel" runat="server">

Code snippet from the corresponding code-behind file:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
var years = new int[20];
var currentYear = DateTime.Now.Year;

for (int i = 0; i < years.Length; i++)
years[i] = currentYear--;

yearsDropDownCheckBoxes.DataSource = years;

protected void checkBoxes_SelcetedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

foreach (ListItem item in (sender as ListControl).Items)
if (item.Selected)
new Literal()
{ Text = item.Text + " : " + item.Value + newLineConst } // HTML line break

The page contains a drop down check boxes for selecting years and a panel bellow which displays checked items whenever a postback from the control occurs (code for other controls from the picture was cut above):

From the example we see that a control yearsDropDownCheckBoxes is added to a page, the event handler checkBoxes_SelcetedIndexChanged for SelcetedIndexChanged event is assigned and the page load handler performs data binding for the control. Whenever a user clicks 'OK' button in the drop down list a postback goes to server and panel in the bottom of the page is filled with all checked items. Everything is straightforward and no different from using controls inherited from ListControl(including CheckBoxList).

Postback options & behavior

Properties DropDownCheckBoxes.AutoPostBack (default value is 'false') and DropDownCheckBoxes.UseButtons (default value is 'true') control the way postbacks from the control arise:

1. AutoPostBack == false && UseButtons == false - in this case no 'OK/Cancel' buttons are displayed in the bottom of the drop down box, no postback occurs when a user clicks outside control and drop down gets hidden. The server side event will be fired (if there's a handler specified) during postback from any other control from the page (in case selection change is detected). The behavior in this case is similar to other ASP.NET controls with AutoPostBack set to false;

2. AutoPostBack == true && UseButtons == false - no action buttons ( 'OK/Cancel' ) are displayed, postback occurs whenever a user leaves the expanded drop down by clicking outside it.

3. UseButtons == true (AutoPostBack value doesn't matter) - in this case there're action buttons displayed in the bottom of the drop down box. Postback is triggered only when a user clicks 'OK' button. Clicking 'Cancel' or outside the control collapses the drop down and restores the check box selection prior to opening the control.

JQuery dependency

JQuery library is delivered within the control assembly and the reference to it is automatically added to the page by the control. In case you have JQuery referenced on the page (e.g. in a master page) script errors may occur.

In order to turn off automatic reference adding set DropDownCheckBoxes.AddJQueryReference to 'false'.

Other control properties

  • DropDownCheckBoxes.UseSelectAllNode - if 'true' then there's a 'Select all' check box added on top of other check boxes in the drop down. Clicking the check box changes all other check boxes' to corresponding state.
  • DropDownCheckBoxes.Texts - a complex property that allow to change default texts of the control elements (caption, button names, 'Select all' check box), e.g. for localization.
  • DropDownCheckBoxes.CssClass - specifies CSS class name applied to the control (specifically the DIV element which wraps all the contents). Setting this peoperty has the same effect as using DropDownCheckBoxes.Style.SelectBoxCssClass property.
  • DropDownCheckBoxes.Style - a complex property that allows applying CSS classes to the control and also directly specify sizes of the control elements (height of the select box, width and height of drop down box).

NOTE: The control can work within update panel without any adjustments.

The project page at Codeplex can be found here.


  1. hi there. i got a problem using this control.

    as soon as i add the

    Style DropDownBoxBoxWidth="100"

    part in the control's html

    i get a parser error with the error message "Ambigious match found"

    i have no clue how this happens but it even happened when i started a clean web application.

    im using .NET 3.5

    1. I dont know if you sorted it out or not.. but i figured this can be solved by using code behind:


    2. Please use <Style2 DropDownBoxBoxHeight="130" DropDownBoxBoxWidth="200" in your Code.

      Gopal chauhan

    3. Maxim Saplin Blog: Dropdowncheckboxes: Using Control >>>>> Download Now

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      Maxim Saplin Blog: Dropdowncheckboxes: Using Control >>>>> Download LINK

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      Maxim Saplin Blog: Dropdowncheckboxes: Using Control >>>>> Download Full

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  2. I've got this issue on codeplex, thanks for highlighting it. I'll have a look at it as soon as I've time.

  3. How do you clear the checked items in code behind?

  4. How do you clear the selected items in code behind?

  5. foreach (ListItem item in dropdown.Items)
    if (item.Selected)
    item.Selected = false;

  6. That's what I thought. However I am using the control in an update panel and when I try to clear the selected items in code behind the checks remain. If I remove the update panel and run it the selected items get cleared. Any ideas?

  7. did you insert in runat="server" as an attibute on the updatepanel?

  8. Yes. I have several standard dropdownlists in the update panel that are working fine. We needed yours for the multiselect capability.

  9. i didnt write the control,but do you mind posting the html of your page?

  10. I have also tried clearing all the items from the list and rebinding it and I still get the same items selected. Could it be a view state problem?

  11. are you using a objectdatasource to fill the dropdown?

  12. disable the sqldatasource (dont set the DataSourceID of the dropdown) and then try clearing the dropdown's items,(i might be wrong but) the sqldatasource refreshes the dropdowns items (checking them again) after a each postback is done
    i think that is whats screwing up your code

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. There was a bug in the control which was resetting the server side selection replacing it with client side selection before the post back (when the control is within UpdatePanel).

    There's a new release at the CodePlex project page with the bug fixed:

  15. I need, when user select multiple values, change the property SelectBoxCaption, but not on the server. I need do it on client(without postback). How can i do it.

    1. hi, i am also suffering with same issue. if you have the solution for this issue can you please tell me how can i do this thank you.

  16. Could you post a 2.0 framework version on CodePlex please?

  17. Dear, First of all thanks, this is the only control so far working properly inside a gridview, which is wonderful, without any issues. Anyways, i have another request, is it possible to extent this control and add a textbox against each checkboxlist item, i have a complex scenario where the user will select each Item and against that item he has to give a value, so can you please help me or explain me, how to extent this model to include a textbox, either using server side control like textbox or client side using Jquery or javascript. I hope to hear back soon from you.

  18. can we apply validation on this control? required field something like that? it is giving me error.


  19. Great control man. Working find on mine.

    There something bugging me.

    For the first times when postback occur why it calling ...selectedIndexChanged(...) function twice. So i get the output repeated twice. But it working find after that. Anyone got the same?

    Thank You

    1. Hi,
      I got the same issue, can you please tell the solution

  20. Thanks for this great control.Good job...
    I have problem when i want to use your control in a page in which there is a reference to latest jquery.I tried to disable AddJQueryReference=false ,and put references into my page,but error still occurs (jQuery is undefined).

  21. i am getting the Following Error while using this ..

    'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl' does not contain a definition for 'DataSource' and no extension method 'DataSource' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

    This means that it doesnot have property of DataSource ??? Any Ideas PLease!!

  22. I am using this control, the postback occurs twice on the onSelectionIndexChanged() event.can some one help me how to fix this issue.

    1. I am suffering from the same problem. please refer to me if you find any solution. thanks

  23. Thank you ... issue got resolved... anyway i have another query which is... How can you show the selected values at the caption !!

    1. hi, i am also suffering with same issue. if you have the solution for this issue can you please provide me how can i do this thank you.

  24. Hi,

    Please paste the following code in DropDownScript.js file and make Autopostback= false for the dropdown.

    Then call the below function inside the checkBoxClickHandler.

    DropDownScript.prototype.updateText = function () {
    var text = '';
    $( "#" + this.id + " input:checked" ).each( function()
    if (text == '')
    text = $(this).next('label').text() ;
    text = text + ', ' + $(this).next('label').text() ;
    if(text == '')
    $("#" + this.selId).find($("div[id^='caption']")).html('Select');
    $("#" + this.selId).find($("div[id^='caption']")).html(text);

  25. Can you please tell me how to do a validation by using ExtendedRequiredFieldValidator.

  26. Is there a way to only do a post back when selections have changed? Right now a post back occurs when you leave and click outside the drop down (as described above in AutoPostBack == true && UseButtons == false section). But, it would be nice to have it only post back when a change was made.

    Thanks in advance.

  27. I have array with more options

    I have used:

    if (lbl_id_dias.Text != "" && lbl_id_dias.Text != "0")
    string cad_idDias = lbl_id_dias.Text;
    string[] arr_idDias = cad_idDias.Split(',');
    for (int i = 0; i < arr_idDias.Length; i++)
    ddl_Dia.SelectedValue = ddl_Dia.Items.FindByValue(arr_idDias[i]).Value;

    Only check last option of array.

    Please how do for check all options of the array?


  28. I get the error

    "Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'DropDownScript' is undefined"

    When trying to load the control in my web page. My web page is using AJAX with Teleriks Rad Controls. When I use your sample web page project the control is working fine. I have tried to set the AddJQueryReference to "False" but it makes no difference.

  29. Hi,

    I am trying to use this tool with the Gridview control. The challange that i am facing now is how do we bind this control with the data while we are in edit mode on Gridview.

    Can anyone route the right way??


  30. Can we validate this control??If yes then How?

  31. I have problem, that Dropdowncheckbox doesn't bind, selectboxcaption is outside of DropDownCheckbox and is not active on click. I have no ide what is wrong. Can anybody help me?

  32. Hi I am really digging this control and started liking this. One of the challange that im facing right now is how can we trigger a java script function on checkbox click so that we can change the text of the Control from "Select" to "Selected" so that end user can be sure that s/he had selected the options within the control. So far, the text does not change.

  33. I have a problem, that use tab index of dropdownchecbox. I can't focus into dropdowncheckbox when press TAB in asp.net

  34. Hi, For each each control event triggered postback is getting done. How to avoid postback

  35. issues adding the control in the child page in asp.net it keep showing the following error.
    Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager' is null or not an object

  36. I have a menu control in my master page which is creating a init_error for the dropdown and not working properly. If i comment out the code for menu then it works fine. Can you help me?

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I am getting an error in IE8 for long running JScript. I am loading this box with almost 50000 selection list.This works fine with chrome but IE8 hangs.

  40. This control is not working in content page, please do u have idea . please ans me, why it is not working in content page ????

  41. how do you filter multiple selections in jquery?

  42. How do I show the selectboxcaption as ToolTip when mouse select the control? How do I select all checkboxlist at default?

    Thank you

  43. Hey All, I want to check all in the dropdown..do we have any shortcut to do it...I have thousands items in the dropdown...looping is making my page slow...how to automatically make it selected?

    foreach (ListItem item in DD.Items)
    item.Selected = true;

  44. I have added control on my page , but the control is not visible .. please help

  45. Hi,
    This is Munir, I want to use this control with "JQuery accordion UI " but its creating a problem.

    Accordion tabs disappeared.
    with out this control, they work fine.
    Any body help me.

  46. Hi,
    I'm on the stage of learning asp.net and using this control in my project.
    One thing i didn't understand, when i use this control without it works fine and gives proper result. But when i'm using an Update Panel control, it stops responding and only shows the caption, not even the outline of the dropdownlist is shown.
    if any one can help me understand what the issue is or where am I going wrong?
    Thank you.

  47. Hi,

    Very nice control.

    How can I add a Textbox to the right of the checkbox when the user checked?


  48. I am using this control, the postback occurs twice on the onSelectionIndexChanged() event.can some one help me how to fix this issue.

  49. The control throwing 'DropDownScript is undefined' exception when trying to place it inside gridView. Please suggest, thanks

  50. Have an issue with the control when used in an UpdatePanel. If the control is initially set to Visible=false, if you update it to Visible=True in an UpdatePanel, only the word Select is rendered.

  51. The control throwing 'DropDownScript is undefined' exception when trying to place it inside gridView. Please suggest, thanks

  52. I get the error

    "Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'DropDownScript' is undefined"

    When trying to load the control in my web page. My web page is using AJAX/Update panel. When I use your sample web page project the control is working fine. I have tried to set the AddJQueryReference to "False" but it makes no difference.

  53. Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'DropDownScript' is undefined

    I'm getting the above mentioned issue while using this control in the GridView.
    Kindly help.

    1. Make sure that the "Build Action" (in properties) for the embedded resources is set to be "Embedded Resource", and also check the namespace values for all of the projects that are referenced are good, i.e. in the assembly properties and in the constants used in the dropdown class....

  54. How to set the value for the drop down items? At the moment the item.value is equal to item.text

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Gridview Filter using saplin not working..

    Find the refrence below in asp.net forum


  57. how can i load data from database?

  58. Hi,

    I am trying to add this control to Grid view and want to display value of check box selected on to a label.I am unable to achieve this. Can you please help me with this.

  59. Not working in VS2012 version.

    How can we do it using .net 4.5

  60. Thanks for controls
    its very good.
    but tell me
    how to bind this control using json and ajax ?
    please reply its urgent

    1. Hey Viral,
      Were you able to find out how you can bind the control using json and ajax. I am trying to implement the selectedindexchanged using json and ajax and wanted to know how I can do using ajax and json. Can you or anybody please let me know?

  61. I'm trying to pass the entire selection to report parameter that accept multi-values within asp.net vs2010 application. Can someone inform me how can be done using this dropdowncheckbox control?

  62. Thanks for the article
    I want to change the color of SelectBoxCaption
    Is it possible to do that?

  63. Hi,Once the design specifications have been decided for Web Design Cochin, it is best to start planning the navigation structure and content of the Web pages.Once the mockup is finalized the graphics are created and the coding of the Web page can be done using a mark up language such as hypertext markup language, or HTML. Thanks......

  64. I am using the control in my project and it works well when the asp page is shown in IE9 and Chrome, but when it is shown in Firefox the control doesn't display, in the browser only shows a caption with a text.

    Can any one tell me how can I solve this?

  65. It is very nice control to use
    but its not working on MasterPage
    can you plz tell me how to use it on master Page

  66. How to make this control opaque?for eg when I have two controls one below the other it showing the other control within the control.



  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. HI ,
    The MultiSelect Control Developed is very good i have used in my project,
    The issue am facing is that the control overlaps the other control and i have adjusted the css as well but all my efforts are in vain..
    could you please help me out

  69. Dear All,

    The current version of the control is built for .NET 3.5 but my web pages is .NET 2.0 .Could you help me on how implement this control in .NET 2.0?

    Please help me

  70. how to increase height of selectboxcaption (selectboxheight) ?

  71. Can we have only one button as OK , instead of both OK and Cancel as it is creating confusion for users even if they click outside of drop down it is applying the selection.(Cancel is working as OK !!).

    your help is appreciated.

    Thank you

  72. I'm using this control for several fields on my form. Some are loaded with data on the initial page load, and others on a partial PostBack when a GridView item is clicked. This is a must as the values in the control change based on the record being edited. The controls loaded on the initial page load post selected values as expected. The instances that are loaded on a partial page PostBack always indicate no items are selected. I am able to programmatically select the items associated with the editing record after binding to a DataTable stored in ViewState, but I can't get the values when updating the record. All controls are in UpdatePanels so I know that isn't the issue.

    I think I've run into this issue with other controls and resorted to using hidden fields populated client side before posting back. However, I haven't been able to get the values for this control on the client. It appears values aren't even being stored even though I bind to a DataValueField. I can't use the innerText due to the complexity of mapping to an id. How can I get the values client side?

    1. DropDownScript.prototype.doPostBack = function () {
      var items = this.getItems();
      if (items.length > 0) {
      if (this.postbackFunction)

  73. Thankx Dear for this usefull control.

    Gopal chauhan

  74. please how to use it inside a gridVIEW IN ASP.NET C# ,??

  75. Hi

    I want ask about DropDownCheckBoxes, i use it with master pages. in my page i use one server tag, i put it in master page so in other web form i didn't use runat server in form. when i use DropDownCheckBoxes, it didn't work ? why ?

  76. Validate this control with the <asp:ExtendedRequiredFieldValidator - it works exactly the same as the RequiredFieldValidator - if it's not in your toolbox, just type it in - I had to set the ControlToValidate parameter manually to. After that, it worked just fine

  77. onselectindexchanged i got twice execution plz solve this issue..

  78. Does not work on ASP .Net content pages, seems the problem is caused by masterpage. Why?

  79. Found it: one must put a scriptmanger inside the form tag of the masterpage!

  80. Having a conflict with Datepicker in jquery. when dropdowncheckbox is AddJQueryReference="true" the datepicker is not working in the textboxk. but if you turn it to "false" the datepicker works in textbox but the problem with the dropdowncheckbox now is that the select all is not working. it will only work 1 time but next select all doesnt work anymore.. HELP Please.

    1. Hey,

      Even i have the same issue. did anyone provide you the solution.
      If do so please provide me the solution for the issue that you have faced.

  81. It is not working if web page has master page in this case how to use it

  82. Hi,
    Could you please explain me how to adjust the height of the Dropdown its taking default 16 Px only.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Is It possible to display the selected items in dropdown checkbox control in text caption area. Can anyone please tell me hoe to do this.
    Thank you

  85. How can I show the selected values at the caption !! can anyone provide solution for this issue please give me

  86. Hi , I am trying to use this in VS 2015, but JQuery error occurs when I click on DropDown icon to see items.
    .hitch("click", this.documentClickHandler, this); is not a function

  87. hi, can we use this code for page which is interlinked with master page. i am getting issue in master page when i use that above code in child page.

  88. i can't access and Bind This Control inside GirdView..this cntrol are not properly work inside Gridview..

  89. I'm not able to get it to work inside an UpdatePanel with an UpdateProgress panel. The UpdateProgress panel never clears (stuck on 'processing..' message)

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  105. Hi,

    I am using DropDownCheckBox control on the top to filter some info inside GridView.. When i click on Edit / Update it is working fine for the first time. But when i click on second time on Edit it is keep loading.

    Without DropDownCheckBox ( when i set to Visible = Flase) then the page is loading well without issues. Please advice.


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