Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ripple, BB 10 WebWorks and 'Please enter a valid application id' error

You're developing an application for BB 10 using HTML5, Ripple emulator (for running & debugging your application in Chrome browser) & BlackBerry 10 WebWorks SDK (my version was

Once you set up build settings and click 'Package' button to produce output you get the following error message:

Oh Snap! Build request failed with message: [ERROR] Error: Please enter a valid application id


Go to your application source directory and check the contents of config.xml file. Pay attention to the <widget> opening tag:
 <widget xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" 

Possible causes for the error:
  1. Missing id tag
  2. White spaces in id tag value (registered issue)
As it turned out, WebWorks samples had the id value missing which was leading to build error when using Ripple.


  1. Cool! Thanks, I was getting that error too and I didn't know where I should place the id exactly.

  2. Cool & thanks ! added to BBdev forum http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Web-and-WebWorks-Development/BB10-WebWorks-Debug-Error-Please-enter-a-valid-application-id/m-p/1777017#M25039

  3. Hi,
    I was playing around with WebWorks SDK to creating a simple HTML5 app but I am not able to successfully package it. I get following error:

    "Oh Snap! Build request failed with message: [ERROR] An error has occurred parsing the config.xml. Please ensure that it is syntactically correct"

    Can someone help me here please? Thanks,

    P.S.: Not sure how to submit my config.xml for you to see
